Home Modification Funding Resources, be sure to click on the below links to get more information
- Illinois Department of Health and Human Services- Private & Government Funds
- Rebuilding Together- Free home repairs and accessibility modifications for low income homeowners. Three locations/regions:
- Rebuilding Aurora, (630)585-7510
- Rebuilding Together Glenview, (847)869-0900
- Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago, (312)201-1188
- H.O.M.E. (Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the Elderly), (773)921-3200
- Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities offers a variety of services including home modification funding for people residing in Chicago to increase access within the City of Chicago
Other possible methods to reduce home modification costs:
- Veterans receive assistance for home modifications, call your local agency for details or click here for the website to the Veterans Administration
Banks/Lending Institutions
o E-Z Access Loan Programs through the Amalgamated Bank of Chicago for individuals with disabilities, contact Ellen S. Bachner, at (312)822-3229
o Illinois Ready Access Program/Opportunity Illinois Program, low fixed rate of interest below market rate, information at www.treasurer.ilgov
o FHA Loan(Title 1 & 203K) provides direct loans at below market interest rate (to 1%) and can be used for rehabilitation; 203K will loan up to 80% of the home value, contact (312)866-2729
o FHA Reverse Mortgage Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) Program for seniors to be able to withdraw equity from home value, 5 different payment plans (tenure, term, line of credit, modified tenure, modified term), contact HECM counselor at 800-569-4287
- The Home Accessibility Program (HAP) formerly through the Illinois Housing Development Authority offers grants, there are income eligibility and geographic area criteria. Contact United Cerebral Palsy Seguin of greater Chicago, 7550 W. 183rdSt., Tinley Park, IL 708-444-8460 (also listed as Ramp UP)
Tax Deduction as per IRS Publication 502 at: www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p502.pdf if prescribed medically necessary (means that a physician’s order is required) and if it is deemed not to increase the value of your home
Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Homestead Exemption (SCAFHE) is in place through annual application using form PTAX-340 through the IL Tax department
Private grant foundations and local charity organizations
- MS Foundation, Les Turner Foundation, and other support foundations